Sampark Foundation is a not for profit trust founded by Anupama and Vineet Nayar. This is the single largest Education transformation program that has delivered significant increase in learning outcomes which would impact 7 million children. Sampark Smart Shala (SSS) is a learning outcome focused intervention that innovatively uses technology, a voice mascot called “Sampark Didi”, toys, stories games, teacher training modules combined with rigorous monitoring in collaboration with state governments bringing smiles on the faces of 7 million children across 76,000 schools at the cost of just $1 per child/Annum. The innovation in this program is the use of an audio device to play the role of the assistant teacher and to create exciting Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) around the lesson so that teaching becomes interesting and effective. Sampark Smart Shala Program has five core design elements: 1. Sound Box – The voice ‘Sampark Didi’ our unique voice takes children on a playful journey of developing English language and numeracy skills through fun filled stories, rhymes and games with catchy music. The discomfort of teaching English and Math amongst teachers could only be overcome using assisted teaching and enabling teachers to learn while they teach. Sampark Didi sets the stage in the first 15 minutes for the teacher to teach the rest of the English lesson using TLMs along with pre-designed activities and games. 2. 3D teaching learning material Sampark Smart Shala is built around the key belief that a child is more excited about learning enabled through visual tools, games and stories which enables self - paced learning in a multi layered classroom and improves learning outcomes. Lessons are built around a journey from: • Concrete to abstract • Known to unknown • Simple to complex 3. Board Games: A child’s learning journey can continue even if the teacher is not in the class. 4. Progress Tracking, MonitoringProgress Chart: A base line test helps teachers map and display concept wise competence of each child in a multi grained classroom. She forms groups around competences and then tracks each child’s progress using the Progress Charts. Smart App: Monthly progress of 7 million children is captured through an android app on smart phones. Actionable relative performance reports are sent to school administrators at all levels including the Chief Minister. 5. Magic Masala Sampark Smart Shala brings teachers simple Math strategies to help children understand and do calculations more effectively. It also encompasses a section on how word problems should be taught from the beginning.